Thursday, April 21, 2011


Now that its been discovered that "BIG BROTHER" has arrived in the name of IPOD CELL PHONES & IPAD HANDHELD COMPUTERS, GEORGE ORWELL'S projection of the future is as good as NOSTRADAMUS.

Today's issue is more concerting than a centralized leader dictating life and living. In a world where light speed allows us to communicate with each other across the world, see each other by Webcast, or communicate with Tweets and instant messaging, we are now being told that we are also being tracked by your cell telephone or hand-held IPAD computer. It's tracking you every step of the way....when you travel with these devices, you are being followed, graphed and marketed too, without your permission or knowledge.

When you CLICKED "ACCEPT" on the software agreement product of the IPAD or IPOD you accept it all. You most likely did not read the agreement contract...but who does?

Now comes the Issue of Privacy. According to Donald Trump, the U.S. Constitution guarantees your PRIVACY. NOT!!!, There is no amendment to the Constitution that guarantees it citizens privacy. The Constitution only guarantees citizens and visitors from protection of intrusion by government and government agents without due process. This is a required "search warrant" "ex-parte order" (wiretap order), authorized by the signature of a Judge from a government courtroom that guarantee's privacy written in the U.S. Constitution.

Therefore, wiretap laws and regulations in the United States and the States of the United States have been legislated to protect citizens rights, from not only government intrusion but also from non-government people. The wiretap (illegal business) booms. With today's extreme technology, intrusion being undetected by the subject is common-place. We are all under video surveillance on the streets, sidewalks, parking lots, inside stores, shopping malls and even your own home. Our legislatures, both U.S. and States have not yet dealt with the issues of privacy within the airwaves.

APPLE Corp. has decided to track, maintain and hide from the public it's internal personal tracking program. This program maintains the history of the units holder for approximately 1 year. They have sold more than 19 million units since December 2010. WOW!!!


When you are traveling to a place that you don't want anyone to know where you are, via tracking of your GPS unit just "take out the battery" and disable the unit temporarily. When you want to activate, just put the battery back.  Just remember that all leased vehicles and loaned vehicles have GPS Tracking, that can also locate you and the vehicle at anytime. 

SO!!!       JUST WALK

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Street Gangs America

Street Gangs America
Gang Enforcement


Statements of Fact


"Think what you do when you run in debt, you give to another power over your liberty"

Benjamin Franklin
"The Way to Wealth" (1758)


Just consider the many people in need of a donation from another to save thier life, son's, daughter's mom's or dad's.

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Consider you and family members to become Donors.

contact for further information. Attention: Paul Dooley, CEO

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