The DRUG WAR has been ongoing prior to the Reagon Adminiostration, thru the administrations of Bush Sr., Carter, Clinton, Bush Jr. and now OB-1.. All commanders and chiefs...little results, spend trillions on this underclared war...from the jungles of South America, Columbian Cartels, Honduran enterprises, now Mexican Cartels affiliating with American Street Gangs in and out of our prisons. This is a law enforcement matter within the States, but a Military and Border Smuggling issue before it reaches America's streets.
While the National Media concentrates on Mexican Cartels and the failure of the Justice Department's actions resulting in a call for current Attorney General Eric Holder to step down or be terminated by President OB...the drug & cash flow not only continues but has expanded from marijuana, cocaine, and NOW HEROIN.
We know that Heroin "POPPY SEEDS" are not grown in South America, its a poppy plant that is onl;y crerated in Afghanistan and countries of that region. During the Vietnam war of the 1960's, American entrpreneurs by the names of "Nicky Batnes" and "Frank Lucas" devised a plan using our American military to ship Heroin into America via military airplane flights and Navy ships. They used contacts in the military to assist (at a price) and within a few weeks the streets across America were flodded with Heroin and addicted youth.
Millions in street cash flowed for years.. American wars greatly contribute (unwittingly or not) to addiction for generations of America's youth, Black, Hispanic or White. No racial discrimination or division here...just heroin distribution and money. It was so profitable that Barnes owned a stable of girls, apartments and high-end cars. He flashed gold, furs and cash. From New York's Harlem Club's like "Smalls", a favorite club for the elite, blacks, whites and politicians, to Chicago haunts and across America.
Today - 2011
Considering that the Justice Department, ATF and DEA contributed to the weapons that killed hundreds in the Mexican cities, including Special Agent Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, the war on drugs continues with little abatement. Drug enterprises run parallel with illegal human smuggling (often considered drug mules) into the U.S .Within the United States they operate a sophisticated network of distributors, transporter's and street sales.
Now comes the withdrawal of our military from Iraq, and the transformation of our military action and purpose in Afghanistan. It has cost the American taxpayer more than a trillion dollars in the Iraq war and at least the same if not more to execute the Afghanistan military efforts. We've gotten nothing in return for removing and eliminating the Sadem Hussein regime. No recovery of the expense, no guarantee of oil exclusive to the U.S. for their reimbursement of the military expense and no agreements to further repay America for the loss of life and injuries of American troops. THAT'S WAR!!!
NOW comes the spoils of WAR. For America it's HEROIN! May I suggest that the American front in Afghanistan take action against the POPPY FIELDS before we leave that country. I recommend that America DESTROY the poppy fields to insure that the land will never again be used for poppy growth. Yes, I know that the bleeding hearts will say; "What about the farmers?" I say, "Who cares?"
Poppy Distribution & Growth Areas |
I say, "What about America and American youth". Heroin addiction leads to an increase in crime on our streets. More expense for cities, police agencies, prison authorities and even the neighborhood. We are already seeing the signs of heroin addiction on the streets, with addiction and crime synonymous and an increase in emergency room services dealing with overdosed users, thus overcrowding the hospital E.R.'s and causing a tremendous increase in costs.
Heroin Youth Use |
While American cities are cutting back on services, the rise in HEROIN use will need attention by all agencies, such as; Police, Health Services, Social Welfare Services, Prison Authorities, Federal Agencies, Drug Enforcement, Customs (ICE), or even neighborhood social welfare agencies.
ERADICATION of the Poppy Fields is the only answer here. Reduction of the amount of heroin will reach our streets and have an immediate impact. It will also have an impact on the underground economy of drug cash dealing, an immediate increase in street prices, yet, will reduce drug murders and gang warfare over drug street control.
Poppy growth is beneficial to pharmaceutical (legitimate) drug production, however controlled growth in a lab environment administered by U.S,.Health Agencies and Drug Enforcement Agency on American soil is the answer for those drug compounds that require poppy production to develop existing and new drugs.
Poppy Growth |
Poppy Growth |
If we eradicate the poppy fields in Afghanistan then America has conducted a war against terrorism of another kind. Families who know the harmful effects of a child addicted to heroin. Eradication of Heroin poppy fields will then be a positive result for the American people. It will also be a great service to the thousands of American solider warriors and their families who have given so much in a war that American's no longer understand. This would result in the SECURITY for AMERICA in which our troops went for originally.
After our killing of Bin Laden and breaking-up most of Al Queda's operations...what's left is to destroy this criminal market that trades the ugly underground of Heroin Addiction.
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