Wednesday, June 6, 2012


George Zimmerman the accused Murderer of Trayvon Martin has had his BAIL REVOKED this past week by the Judge presiding in the case......Subject reasoning.."Zimmerman is alleged to have lied to the court about his personal wealth". He also has TWO PASSPORTS !!! It is suggested that Zimmerman and his wife were speaking in CODE over the telephone system within the correctional facility where he was housed awaiting a bail hearing. This coded message, it is alleged, finds that the Zimmerman's had more than $165, a Paypal account. It's alleged that this money came from the result of contributions from strangers to assist Zimmerman in paying for his defense.

What this may represent questionable credibility of Zimmerman's future explanation of his actions the night of the shuffle with Mr. Martin, which resulted in his death. Or, it may represent that Zimmerman was aware of the funds but only understood that the money was to accessed for his defense. Not aware that this money was to be reported to the court in bail hearings. Did he even know about the amount of money, or was his wife trying to tell him that this amount of money has been placed in his Paypal Defense fund.

Either way, George has alot of explaining to do to the court...and to resurrect his credibility before the court and the people.

Trayvon Martin                         George Zimmerman

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Street Gangs America
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