Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Taking into consideration that the Middle East is on the verge of a meltdown, how will this affect your daily life.

If you weren't around in the 1970's let's remind you of these several facts.
  • Long GAS LINES -- Cars , trucks, lining up in the early morning hours..lines for hours long just to get gas in the car.
    1970's Gas Lines
  • Gas Prices skyrocketing...
  • Food Prices increasing because of transportation costs
  • Fights on the gas station lines.. cutting in the line, gas can fill-ups.
  • Rhetoric talk of war in the Middle East
  • Iran Take Over by students, then religious leaders....U.S. lost footing/ lots of mis-steps
  • Economy went down..unemployment went up
So what your seeing today, is a replay of world history , updated and  renewed.

So what are you doing to get ready?

Conflicts on cities streets, money shortage, gas prices increasing, transportation costs going up. A potential shortage of the food supply.  Energy cost going up... rolling brown-outs of electricity to control and maintain power grid distribution. Military Alert... sending troops to nearby Middle-East waters to protect America and it's treaty agreed countries.

How Do You Prepare?   Just like an approaching hurricane #5... food storage (canned foods, assorted chips and crackers, etc.), power and heating alternatives, generators, solar powered electricity, water (lots and lots) prepare for at least three months supply for each person in the family. Maintain powered flashlights, extra batteries, am/fm/sw portable radio, laptop computer with charging external battery system, maintain extra powered batteries, portable Sterno cooking system, with extra Sterno containers and radio-walkie-talkie communications. ( As we see today, Egypt shutdown all communications to the people, e-mails, internet, facebook, twitter, then also closed down the television broadcasts of news stations, including local and international)

Last, but not least; Weapons for protection of family and property. Multiple weapons, ammunition, hand-guns, shotguns, powered weapons like an AR 15, MR5.. semi-automatic weapons.,  ammunition for three months...secured and protected... only to be used to protect family and property.

If you should think that the riots you see in the streets of Egypt today will not happen in America,  take a good look around you.. Millions of Americans are split almost 50/50 on ideology, politics and religious fanaticism....The rise in cultural separation has greatly increased, religious groups forming own communities, even biker-gangs have greatly increased in membership, criminal gangs already roam communities, outright street murders of innocent victims are in the headlines daily throughout American communities. Police shot and killed, Corrections Officers murdered while covering prisoners in prison, Border Patrol Officers murdered by human smugglers and drug cartels along the Mexican Border.

I'm NOT an ALARMIST... but I do recognize that time is running short...America is under attack from many. Al Queda, Mexican Drug Lords, Criminal Cartels, and Countries based on the destruction of America.


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Street Gangs America

Street Gangs America
Gang Enforcement


Statements of Fact


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