Wednesday, June 15, 2011


As we had reported earlier, the United States Senate began Hearings on the allegations that the Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms Division of the U.S. Justice Department had developed an investigative program to AUTHORIZE LICENSED GUN DEALERS to SELL automatic weapons (GUNS) to members of Drug Cartels and their associates, immune from prosecution. The guns were then sold or provided to the Mexican Drug Cartel to be used in the drug war in Mexico.


Agent Terry
As a result U.S. Agent Brian Terry was murdered with one of these guns while working in Mexico. The ATF failed to follow the weapons during this investigation. They lost control of the "STING" operation.
Now comes the questions. It seems from the public information that this sting was not a ROGUE single unit or individual operation, but rather SANCTIONED by Senior Level Justice Department Management.

While the ATF has failed to cooperate with the Senate Hearings, Senator ISSA, (Cal.) publicly indicates that some ATF agents have stepped forward to detail the STING. One specific Agent has from the beginning of the sting complained that it was wrong,.

The media calls him a "WHISTLE-BLOWER", he should be identified as "COURAGEOUS DEDICATED U.S.AGENT"

Senator ISSA
I'm sure it was not an easy choice for him, his life and career "on-the-line" not only from danger of retribution from the Drug Cartels, but retribution by members of the ATF or even the Justice Department. How high up in the Administration of the Justice Department does this go? That;s the key question!

This could be bigger than the "Iran - Contra" scandals of the REAGAN Administration. Remembers, Weapons for a Secret War, led by Col. Oliver North. This will lead to many heads rolling, it has already started, by the recent resignation of a Senior Level Administrator in the ATF.

American Justice needs to be defined. It is not uncommon for other law enforcement agencies, Federal, State and Local to provide illicit DRUGS, in sting operations. These sales to street pushers, or even higher level distributors are an effort to work into drug operations. Now, it's GUNS. Will it be NUKE'S next.

Americans and AMERICA needs answers. The process needs CLEANSING. The Agency needs a thorough policy review and the cleansing of those who authorized this action. The Terry family need answers, and the people of Mexico need answers.


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Street Gangs America

Street Gangs America
Gang Enforcement


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