Tuesday, June 14, 2011


New Hampshire Republican Debate
June 13, 2011

The REPUBLICAN DEBATE in NEW HAMPSHIRE found seven candidates that all want a shot at going up against President Obama in 2012. There ideas were overall responsive to assorted questions, but all seemed to be trying to put a round peg in a square hole.That is; the basic be nice answers. Nothing new, nothing exciting to give the American people hope for change in the direction it is going. Just the same ol' political rhetoric.

It became obvious after a few minutes, that they all could have melted into two types, Outspoken Conservatives or Unspoken Conservatives. No problem here!

However, NOT A SINGLE DISCUSSION on the American CRIME problem. CRIME and MURDER in our communities, GANG warfare in our communities, Drug Cartels fighting a WAR inside the United States in the South Western States, and a PRISON GANG crisis. This has become a critical issue that America needs to face.

While they all spoke of the Mexican Border, and referred to our National Guard operating in Afghanistan, on the borders of Pakistan, to protect the border for Iraq and Afghanistan, yet we cannot protect our border between Mexico and the American States of Texas, Arizona, ?New Mexico and California. WHY NOT ?

Black Tar Heroin
What about our National & International DRUG WAR? We are currently losing that war, as our youth are introduced into new drugs and the flooding of America of "Black Tar Heroin", This is only coming from one country, Afghanistan,. How's it getting here??? My guess is the same way Heroin got here in the 1960's and 70's. It was with the unwitting aid of the military transports. Just ask "Nicky Barnes" of Detroit..He was the master of smuggling and distribution during the 60's and 70's..All with his contacts to military troops. A PROVEN FACT!!

What about Pain Clinics, (OXY) flooding the streets? Methamphetamine?
Meth Lab

America is at war not only in the Middle East, but here at home, in your communities. War in the streets everyday, shootings, random or gang related, drugs taking lives, destroying young futures and gangs in every community trying for control of drug, guns and turf..

Candidate Herman Cain is right when he talks about the future of the children, his kids, your kids, your grandchildren..What are we leaving them, other than a country that is being dismantled by violence, drugs, crime and dissension. I see a country that is split, not on political ideology, not on race or religion, but rather on economies.
The Haves and have not's!

Congress needs to WAKE-UP!!! 

Americans NEED TO WAKE-UP!!!

OR, be sheep and a heard of cattle being led to slaughter. The world populations are screaming at dictators, rebelling and civil war is on the brink across the world. America is not too far behind, unless we do something to change the APATHY that is SWEEPING the NATION..



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