Wednesday, June 29, 2011



OUR POLITICOS are so interested in funding the protection of the borders of Afghanistan, Pakistan and now were entering Libya, while our cities and it's citizens are being attacked and devoured by roving thugs. We've been reporting on this for several postings, yet the problem seems to be escalating.

Carter Strange
Children in communities that are often considered poverty zones fall victim to everyday violence from street gangs, drive-by shootings and parental violence. In Columbia, South Carolina, this past week, Carter Strange, out for a jog was beaten merciless to near death by a gang of thugs, the youngest being 13 years old. The 8 gang members beat him, robbed him and left him with a fractured skull, for no apparent reason other than he was alone and vulnerable. They have all been charged with second degree assault. Also charged with the S.C. Civil Rights laws against LYNCHING. Why not ATTEMPTED MURDER?
Carter Strange
Carter Strange


We make excuses for this type of behavior, with bleeding heart activists, that will spin the blame on the victim, or the excuse that these poor youth need guidance.


Where is the Reverends and the Civil Rights Attorneys for Carter Strange. They are SILENT!!!

Across America, the media has several names for this behavior, names like; "FLASH MOBS", "WILDING", "GANG MOBS", what ever label they want to call it its CRIMINAL!  Being set upon by a group of more than two is a mob or gang mentality. Being beaten, robbed, assaulted and even murdered by such a group is a CRIMINAL ACT" Just the thought of a mob surrounding you, coming out from behind walls, trees or even on the street or from cars, brings back a time when the streets at night are not safe, that roving gangs resemble the thugs from the movie "Gangs of New York" early 1800's formulation of New York City control.

During the 1980's in New York a WILDING GANG of Teenagers surrounded, beat and raped a female executive out for a jog in Central Park. Many were arrested, some were cleared and others were protected by the bleeding hearts of NYC.

What happens to BLEEDING HEARTS WHEN THEY BECOME VICTIMS?  They often change, want justice, want police action and demand criminal sentences. This is all too often common. In NYC in the early 1970's a bleeding heart City Councilmen would come to the aid of kids charged with muggings, groups of muggers, would pounce and beat their victims. Then one night he became a victim. His story and political philosophy changed over-night. He became a law and order Councilmen.

In Philadelphia, FLASH MOB VIOLENCE became more than criminal, it became racial. Gangs of inner city black youth rushed the streets and surrounded cars, yelling racial anti-white profanities to the vehicle drives. Cars tried to turn around to avoid the crowd of 60 - 70  people in the gang. Fights were breaking out and mob was surging down 4 lane roads and spilling into the side streets.

Philly Mob Flash
Both black and white residents were shaken. This has been an ongoing problem for the last few months. Many tines the group totals between 10-15, but now the surge has begun. The police advise residents to stay in their homes and lock their doors.The police cannot handle the FLASH MOB groups, they claim to be short handed. NO! They lack planning, resources and community intervention.

Philly Flash Mob
June 2011
FLASH MOB activity is often generated by text and e-mail communications among the players. Their is no real cause for the action, other than disrupt the community and disrupt business and social living standards. Just like the groups that burn their own communities, the stores, houses and cars, they leave a community shattered and dysfunctional, not only emotionally, but also economically. Community businesses disappear, banks close and jobs diminish from within the community.

This is more than just beatings and localized gang activity, this is the beginnings of insurrection. Yet the cities effected and the police departments that we expect to respond do not have the resources and ability to shut this behavior down. Lights and sirens just don't do it. Community intervention, Clergy, Social Community leaders need a plan to reduce this MOB VIOLENCE MENTALITY.



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Street Gangs America

Street Gangs America
Gang Enforcement


Statements of Fact


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Benjamin Franklin
"The Way to Wealth" (1758)


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