Saturday, February 18, 2012


President Nixon
The term, "WAR on DRUGS" was first used by President Richard Nixon in 1971.

In 2009, the Obama Administration, through it's Director of the "Office of National Drug Control Policy states; "that while the administration did not consider altering the drug enforcement policy, the term "War on DRUGS" is counter-productive and explains that "drug addiction is a disease that can be successfully prevented and treated...making drugs more available will make it harder to keep our communities healthy and safe." (2011).

Tell this to the families of so many that have died from Drug Induced overdoses, from the poor to the wealthy, from the unknown's to the world famous celebrities.
Anna Nicole Smith

Whitney Houston
E-Online Photo

Look at the new tragedy, Whitney Houston, Who was there to help and treat the Disease? No one!. Look at Anna Nicole Smith, where was anyone? Now, look at your local morgues.. The numbers are staggering.. We now hear that some want to place blame on doctors, pharmacists, and drug companies. Where does one place blame?  Upon ourselves!! We watch, we laugh at and endure public spectacles of drug induced behavior, some we find funny, others we find sad, yet not a single person close to the people who are the 1% population steps up to aid, stop and get that person medical treatment and a secure environment.

It's not incarceration that is needed, but rather commitment to medical institutions, Drug Rehab Centers, controlled by a DRUG COURT. Whether it is local, State or even Federal, let's treat the disease, not the offense.

Go after the importers, the dealers, sellers, wholesalers, smugglers, mules from a criminal perspective. Lock-em UP!! Put'em AWAY..Lifetime if necessary. Close the Borders from this intrusion, importations, distribution. Go after the GANGS which keep-your communities down, under the thumb of thugs, guns, drugs.

It is a WAR, no matter how any Presidential Administration terms it. We need to declare "WAR" on Drug Cartels, where ever they are...on our streets, at our borders or even in another country. We are complacent and too willing to make martyr's of those we loose to drugs, yet we fail to protect our communities from the scourge of Drug infestation. Parents are complacent and at time contributors, police often look the other way, and the Drug Enforcement Agency needs independence from bureaucratic control in order to win this WAR. Use the Military if necessary to close down the Drug pipeline...We would do that if it's a border in a foreign land, but we fail to protect American borders.

The U.S Border Patrol cannot fight on our South-West borders...they need Military assistance, just as we currently do with Afghanistan and Pakistan.

  Why Not AMERICA?....

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Street Gangs America

Street Gangs America
Gang Enforcement


Statements of Fact


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