Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Presidential Debate
January 2012
The Presidential election is running across the airwaves, over the Internet and on the Talk Radio circuit. We recently experienced 19 Television Debates, including cable and radio transmissions from the representatives of the Republican Party. We've seen numerous counter interviews of President Obama's  response to the talking heads and the Republican/Conservative/Tea Party collection of wannabe Presidential hopefuls. They want Obama's job. He  wants to keep his job.

Topics of the Republican debates has had little more to do with the issues facing Americans and American Cities, but rather self absorbing grandiose pandering, directed and personal attacks against each other and lack of specific details to help the country and people in the more critical issues; economy, jobs and more jobs. The top four republicans left after the public slaughter remain locked in the chase. While Romney and Gingrich continue the personal battle, Santorum and Paul offer a more sober approach to the basics to meet the needs of the American people.

Throughout the 19 debates, only ONE member, Ron Paul raised and discussed the issue of Crime Across America. He spoke of prisons, gangs, violence and drugs. That element died fast. It seems that our politicians fail to see the CRIME ISSUE as a national problem. Our prisons are full and segregated by color, religion, ethnicity and gangs. This is happening across America. 

Our prisons are full with the down-trodden, people who have made bad choices, or had no choice in life. Some are involved as the result of personal survival, others are their due to substance abuse and the everlasting drug scourge. While many are illegal immigrants, who have come to America to reach their dreams. Some came as drug mules, others as gang members, such as MS 13, Salvadorian Gangsters, Mexican Drug Cartel members and traders of human trafficking. 

MS13 Gang Members
The average prison, State and Federal, spends more than $100,000 annually, including food, housing, supervision, clothing, processing and facilities up-keep per inmate. Just recently we reported on Gov. Haley Barbour's pardon of more than two hundred prisoners from the Alabama Prison system, 4 of which are convicted murders. A State Court just recently blocked the releases and ordered everyone back to prison pending hearings and proper processing. What ever he was thinking points to some of the problems of our Prison and incarceration system. 

Now, we have the  Presidential suggestion and order that the Military can arrest American citizens if they deem necessary to protect our country. The "Patriot Act" has broadened, as I had written some years ago as to my concern of this act having a detrimental effect on the U.S. Constitution. Here it is!!! It's intent was a moderate attempt to counter Terrorism on American soil after 911. Now it's being used as a method to intrude into American's privacy. Warrant-less searches, electronic eavesdropping without court ordered approvals and even listening to your cell phone private communications. 

Things are changing. America first witnessed the Land (Robber) Barron's, then the Industrial Revolution and NOW we are seeing a World change to a DIGITAL ECONOMY. This changes CRIME..We now have to deal with not just the historical time tested traditional criminal acts, but we are faced with fast paced, worldwide criminal activities.

Internet intrusions, Identity Theft, Bank Diversions, Information Intrusion, Sale of Credit Identity, Product Tampering, Digital Warfare, Digital Tracking, GPS Intrusion, International Wire Fraud and Multinational Digital Criminal Organizations.

Where are the Politicians when facing CRIME??

What do you think?

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Street Gangs America

Street Gangs America
Gang Enforcement


Statements of Fact


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