It's more than 40 years since America began it's
As I look back over the years it's interesting that the rhetoric gets very LOUD during election years...then comes to an almost grinding halt of public media SHOUTS after the votes
This election session, the preliminary primaries in the divided Republican camp and a Democratic incumbent waiting for his challenger finds the National Media MUTE on the problem of the Drug Cartel's incursion into America.
Poppy Plants |
The hot topic currently is CONTRACEPTION, rather than DRUG INTRUSIONS. Our analysis of the ongoing Drug problem is the lack of commitment by our legislators, government and all the superficial public agencies responsible for the protection of our borders. Drug Smuggling, Human Trafficking and Terrorist Infiltration into America finds our communities in the blind when it comes to curtailing, enforcement and even identifying the drug offenders.
Poppy Fields Afghanistan |
While our brave American Military protects the borders of Afghanistan, we inadvertently, or is it purposefully, protecting the POPPY fields. The fields produce worldwide drug supplies. Both on the legitimate market as well as the underworld. Millions are made monthly by the importation of Poppy Field products such as; Morphine for Pharmaceutical companies, or HEROIN for underworld street distribution.
South & Central American Trafficking Routes |
I watch the various media suggestions that Mexican Cartels are the primary distributors of illicit drugs, with a large concentration on Marijuana and Cocaine, yet the Heroin Trade has awoken with greater challenges to America. The full blown Heroin epidemic has not yet been realized. America will see a rise in crime, overdose deaths, increased dysfunction of families and an underground economy and market place where souls are lost to the needle and cooked white powder. Street crimes will increase, street prostitution will grow and street corner drug marketplaces will rebound from the days of the late 1960's.
Panama President Manuel Noriega |
Law Enforcement resources are stretched to it's limits dealing with seeing a "terrorist" around every lamppost. While drug shipments are reaching our borders with little intervention, we see media coverage of large seizures or the creation of a Drug Submarine to transport from South and Central American countries cocaine by the kilo's. However, Heroin is here, into American cities daily by airplane, ocean frieghters, containers and even I suspect governmental transports.
President Richard Nixon |
1968 - Bureau of Narcotics & Dangerous Drugs (BNDD) established
1969 - Heroin Addiction Study Links Crime
1970 - Narcotics Treatment Administration founded
1971 - U.S. Military in Vietnam develop Heroin Addiction
1971 - President Richard Nixon declares "WAR on DRUGS"
1971 - Office of Drug Abuse Law Enforcement founded
1972 - French Connection Heroin Smuggling Crime Group Shutdown
1973 - Drug Enforcement Administration established
1975 - President Ford issues a Paper of Drug Abuse
1975 - Cocaine seizures indicate a rapid growth in Cocaine Traffic
1978 - Asset Forfeiture begins
President Ronald Reagan |
1979 - Columbian Drug Lord Uses Small Planes to Transport Cocaine
1979 - Cocaine Trade sees and abnormal increase in violence
1981 - Medellin Drug Cartel combine from three independent Drug Lords
1982 - Drug Cartel & Panama President Noriega agree to Cocaine Transport
1984 - Assassination of Columbia Attorney General by biker gang
1984 - Mexico "BUST of the CENTURY" by DEA & Mexican Authorities
1985 - Columbia EXTRADITES first Drug Traffickers to U.S.
Mid-1980's - Cocaine Transportr Routes move into Mexico
1985 - DEA Agent Camerena kidnapped & murdered in Mexico
1985 - Columbian Superior Court Judge Assassinated
1985 - Attack on C olumbian Supreme Court
1986 - Presidnet Reagan signs ANTI-DRUG ABUSE ACT of 1986
1988 - Panama's President Manuel Noriega is Indicted by U.S. Justice Department
As you see year after year the "WAR on DRUGS" continues, mostly a band-aid approach through many Presidential Administrations and assassination's or the increase in drug population by American consumers for illicit drugs.
America is losing the battle for economic dominance due to a loss of manufacturing jobs. Yet, we have an under educated population who spend thier money on iullicit drugs. Public assistance funds, unemployment checks and disability retirement checks are being spent on the underground economy to keep spirits HIGH on drugs. Smoking Marijuana has an economic impact on American Society. The 1936 movie "Refer Madness" was a low budget film which recieved critical acclaim, stress the whackyness of smoking dope.
Today, American's across all economic venues smoke marijuana. The myth that marijuana leads to hard illicit drugs had validity in the mid-1960 thru the late 1980's since marijuana was being sold by street drug trade. This trade also has avaialble other illicit drugs; heroin, cocaine, crack the Oxycontin pharmacutical product has reached epidemic proportions, along with methanphetimine.
Welcom the the WAR ON DRUGS !!! It's FLUID, always changing and enforcement has become nothing more than using a bath-tub plug to close the leak in the dam.
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