Monday, February 7, 2011


Jamail Johnson

Jamail Johnson, a 25 year old student at Youngstown State University was MURDERED by two cowardly thugs. They were "DISRESPECTED" after being thrown out of Omega Psi Phi's fraternity house party. They returned some time later and began shooting. Jamail, a student with dreams, aspirations and was trying to be a peace maker, according to reports, was shot in the back of the head, then in his lower body several times. Eleven other students were shot and wounded, including a 17 years old female who is listed in critical condition,

Omega Psi Phi
Frat House

The two thugs were arrested and will be arraigned. What's wrong with this picture is again CRIMETALKAMERICA finds that gun violence takes another life. Leaves a forever scar on those students who witnessed the violence, and a stain on the land at Youngstown State University.

Their was no purpose, other than thugs wanting to show that they are tough.  Hopefully, Ohio will find these two murderous vermin guilty and have them incarcerated for the rest of their lives. It's time to get tough with thugs across America.

Remember "guns" do not kill people, "PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE". Gangster thugs, crimes against humanity, against the community and now even Universities are not a safe haven. What's it all about...It's About celebrating Jamail Johnson's life, his hopes, his dreams and his torn family and friends. It's about the students at all schools, universities and even walking to school, that they have a safe secure environment.

CRIMETALKAMERICA, as in past postings, demands that the law enforcement community, cities, states and America examine the violence in our communities, on campuses and even in the family.

Let's not let Jamail Johnson's memory be forgotten.

February is "BLACK HISTORY MONTH", let's make it more than a reflection, let's STOP BLACK ON BLACK VIOLENCE, let's move to reduce street violence, random violence and murder.

Let Dr. Martin Luther King's legacy of peace bring peace to all communities; Black, White, Latino, Middle Eastern and the many who are part of our melting-pot called "AMERICA".

Remember Jamail Johnson by doing something to help reduce senseless violence.

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Street Gangs America

Street Gangs America
Gang Enforcement


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