Wednesday, February 9, 2011



February 8, 2011 Congress FAILED to AUTHORIZE the continuance of the "PATRIOT ACT".  This act was rushed through after the 9/11 attack. Americans were concerned, Congress believed at the time that the way to protect America was to create the "Act" which altered the U.S. Constitution by finding quick remedies to aid in the investigations of looking for terrorists in every home, business, street, on every telephone, cell phone and in bedroom. 

The act suspended many constitutional rights, such as "search warrants" of terror suspects residences, business. Prior to the ACT, law enforcement was required to build a case, establish a cause of probability in order to obtain a search warrant, wiretap order, or even detain without just cause. 

The day that they President George W. Bush announced the signing of the ACT, I immediately became concerned about Americans Constitutional Rights. My concern was that the ACT watered down the U.S. Constitution, giving government agents rights to detain, search, seize and intrude without proven just cause.

I agreed at the time that America needed to protect its land, people and visitors, by increasing law enforcement efforts, gathering intelligence and identifying all of it's enemies within America and outside in other countries around the world. I immediately reflected on the history of the internment of Japanese Americans as a result of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Upon reflection, America apologized and paid retribution 25-30 years later for it's knee-jerk reaction.So be it the "Patriot Act".

Our Constitution has stood for more than 200 years, with little changes and/or additions. It works; and if it works don't change it. The balance of power in the Executive Branch, Congressional and Courts maintains our constitutional protections and guarantees. The American people speak when they are not happy, they vote the principles out of office, as we just did in the last election. This is the balance that works in America, not an ACT rushed upon the people, nor a Health Bill that Congress didn't, by there own admissions, READ, but passed anyway.

Americans can feel an element of relief by Congress NOT renewing the
"Patriot Act".


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