Monday, March 14, 2011



The past few weeks in the State of Florida  innocent CHILDREN have been murdered in two separate incidents. In both cases the Department of Children and Families of the State were intimately involved in the family problems, yet NO-ONE, not a Florida DCF Agent, State Police or even Local Police stepped up to protect these innocent kids. 

After all what did these children do?   Nothing!!! Other than being born to families, or adopted by families that had horrific backgrounds, criminal poor parenting skills, criminal violence histories, violence in and out of the home. In one case the mother of the children was found dead several moths earlier than the discovery of these two, brother and sister found stuffed into suitcases, found floating down the inter-coastal waterway. Only to be discovered by a local resident who recovered the suitcases only to open and find two dead children

What was determined is that the mother's live-in boyfriend is the primary suspect. He was arrested by Federal Authorities for possession of a "silencer" for a gun. This is a felony. The forensic investigation continues, while the children are buried by family and friends. It's been reported by some media that their was a history of domestic violence and child abuse...but who was watching? Not DCF (Department of Children & Family Services of the State of Florida, nor the local police....
Nubia Barahona

Then comes little "Nubia Barahona and her brother Victor was found covered in toxic chemicals in the cab of a truck which was driven by the Adoptive Father Jorge Barahona was found on the ground. The mother has been arrested as is the father, both adoptive parents. But that's not the story here!  Nubia and her brother Victor will receive justice...but Nubia will never see that she was finally protected by the Justice System.

Jorge Barahona
Killer Dad
In a blazing report from the by David Wilkins of the Department of Children and Family Services reported their findings. The review room was crowded with social workers, children advocates and many strangers only to be "HUSHED" when review member Pete Digre "APOLOGIZED" fir his agency's performance in failing to protect Nubia from such harm.

This was not an unreported situation. It was the result of fatal inaction by the system that is the authority to protect 10 year old Nubia from such violence and tragic death.

Her School Principal had warned that Nubia was "petrified" of her foster mother. The psychiatrist warned that Nubia was "depressed" and had thoughts of killing herself and had a felling that "something terrible was going to happen".A Nurse reports that the Foster Parents were bad parents because they could not take the time to attend their own daughters doctor appointments.

The review panel suggests that the RED FLAG of caution and warning was raised in Nubia's case several times. But they claim "nobody seemingly put it all together". They went on to explain; "Our sorrow is compounded by the realization that there were many missed red flags and many missed opportunities that might have created a better outcome". Digre went on to say; " The performance of our staff and community partners is completely unacceptable."He went on to say; "Nubia did not receive the care, and prompt and urgent attention that each and everyone of us would have given our own children".

Sorry Mr. Digre, but NUBIA was OUR CHILD. You and your agency failed and at times may have contributed through malfeasance to her untimely young death.

The panel's findings seem to be too little too late...It also appears to be self-serving to those with political accountability, appointed as our governments watchdog over our children.

The BEST that could happen would be the revamp of the Department of children and /Family Services, including the dismissal of all those involved directly and indirectly for their failure to come to the aid of Nubia and her brother. Termination with no pensions, payouts or even benefits.


Let's demand this by sending your letters of complaint to the State of Florida, at e-mail:;


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