Monday, March 7, 2011


Dear America;

What's it going to take to protect our children?

Domestic violence, parental abuse, a lack of governmental oversight or community intervention, judicial ambiguity and even family intervention is missing!  All we hear are excuses; from family members, neighbors, Governmental Family Services and even the police. We get action  after the fact; after a death of a child, after a brutal beating causing hospitalization, or even finding a child wandering in the streets at 3 am unattended.


This link shows the horrors that our children face each day. Do you know any of the missing?  Can you say a prayer for those who have passed?


When Elizabeth Smart told her story of abduction, the horror of the situation, the failure of anyone to find her, locate her and her of her captive deranged mind. She was only 14 years old when she was abducted by knife point. She was found 9 months later. Her kidnapping was from her home bedroom in the middle of the night, after threatening to kill her and her family if she didn't comply. As described by her at her abductor's trial, she described him as "evil, wicked, manipulative, stinky,slimy, selfish, not spiritual, not religious, , not close to God." He repeatedly raped her, while his wife watched and participated. Fortunately he was caught, prosecuted and found guilty. His wife was also convicted.

Her story is not uncommon in this American society.  In the State of Florida, their is an ongoing murder trial of a young mother accused of killing her son. Her tangled web of stories about the missing child, first reported by her parents, the grandparents, who enabled her to manipulate the criminal justice system, and claims no responsibility for her actions. The trial continues as the years go bye. We'll report on the decision.

Killer Adoptive Dad
Acid Killer
Children killed by drive-by shootings, playing in front of their homes, with family members watching often have little information to offer the police. Often it's because of the shock of the event, sometimes it's drug related, or even gang related. Mom's, Dad's, Grandparents and other relatives just fail to step up in assist the police. It must be a code of silence. Often the result of fear, or emotional mental blocking the information.

Often governmental documents show a history of violence reports to child services agencies, police and family court.  Often involving the same child or family. How many times are the police of family services going to respond. Who is watching the kids? Who cares?

Now in Florida's East Coast waterways. two young children, adopted twin brother and sister's bodies are found in separate suitcases floating in the inter-coastal waterways. They were missing without anyone missing reports, until after being discovered. Then neighbors step up with information, until this time everyone wants to mind their own business.. But what about the kids. Then it's discovered that the children's mother's body was found several months prior. Where was the investigation. What was discovered.. Apparently not the children. Were they killed at the same time, just not discovered. If so, who was looking for them.  The boyfriend has been arrested in this matter, but not yet charged with the children's murders. 

Now comes private agencies that want to have better control over Child Welfare Services. Some states have contracts with private child services to supervise kids in trouble. It's apparent that the State services can't keep up with managing child and family services. 

Why not a State Panel to oversee Child Services, and Community Services to provide protection efforts, along with School Districts and local hospitals which have legal reporting requirements if they suspect or determine a child in trouble from violence, domestic abuse and even absenteeism, or constant visits to the emergency rooms for bruises or battered syndrome. 


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Street Gangs America

Street Gangs America
Gang Enforcement


Statements of Fact


"Think what you do when you run in debt, you give to another power over your liberty"

Benjamin Franklin
"The Way to Wealth" (1758)


Just consider the many people in need of a donation from another to save thier life, son's, daughter's mom's or dad's.

Donating an organ can help another, and even contribute to bettering mankind. Many children are in need of an organ transplant, from kidney, the liver and even skin or visual tranplants may bring this child into a world that he or she will become another scientist, doctor and contributors to America and the World.

Consider you and family members to become Donors.

contact for further information. Attention: Paul Dooley, CEO

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